Ahrae: Lower Body (low section)
Charyeot: Attention.
Chung: Blue Contestant's Mark (Chung).
Contest area: The 8m x 8m area where the competition takes place.
Dobok: Taekwondo Uniform.
Dojang: Training Hall.
Duration of the contest: Three rounds of two minutes each with one-minute rest between rounds. In case of a tie score after the completion of the 3rd round, a 4th round of two minutes will be conducted as the sudden death overtime round after one minute rest period following the 3rd round.
Gam-jeom: Deduction Penalty.
Hong: Red Contestant's Mark (Hong).
Joon-bi: Ready.
Kalyeo: Stop (to separate two contestants in a match).
Keu-man: Another word for 'Stop' to finish the match.
Kyeong-rye: Bow or Salute.
Kye-sok: Continue.
Kye-shi: Injury Time Out.
Kyesu: Hand signal used in competition: 10-Second Counting (Hanah-1 / Dul : 2 / Set: 3 / Neht : 4 / Da-seot: 5 / Yeo-seot: 6 / Il-gop: 7 / Yeo-deol: 8 / A-hop: 9 / Yeol: 10).
Kyong-go: Warning Penalty Kyorugi / Sparring.
Mok: Neck
Momtong: Trunk (middle section)
Olympic weight categories for Taekwondo: Four male (Under 58kg / Under 68kg / Under 80kg / Over 80kg) and four female weight categories (Under 49kg/ Under 57kg / Under 67kg / Over 67kg).
Pahlmahk: Forearm
Permitted techniques and areas: Fist techniques (a punch using the front part of the tightly clenched fist while stretching the striking arm) and foot techniques (kicks using any part of the foot below the ankle bone) / fist and foot techniques to the trunk (areas covered by the trunk protector except the part of the spine) and foot techniques to the head (area above the collar bone).
Points (Valid points): The blue or red colored area of the body protector and the area above the collar bone (whole part of the head including both ears and the back of the head) / one point for a valid attack on the trunk protector; two points for a valid turning kick to the trunk protector; three points for a valid kick to the head; four points for a valid turning kick to the head.
Shigan: Time Out.
Shi-jak: Begin.
Sudden Death Round: In the case that a contest advances to a 4th round, all scores and penalties awarded during the first three rounds shall be void, and the decision shall be made only by the result of the 4th round. In the 4th round, the first contestant to score a point shall be declared the winner. In the event that neither contestant has scored a point after the completion of the 4th round, the winner shall be decided by superiority as determined by the refereeing officials. The final decision shall be based on the criteria of superiority for the 4th round only.
Ulgool: Face & Head
WTF: World Taekwondo Federation.
TFI: Taekwondo Federation Of India, Bengaluru